Vbs Get Monitor Serial Number

The following script will remotely connect to a computer on your network, query the registy for the monitor details and output what it finds. It can be used to remotely get the monitor make, model and serial number from any computer on your network.

There are two versions of the script available, one for a single computer or one for a list of computers. Get monitor serial number for a single computer Output: Download: When you run the script it will prompt for the remote computer name: After entering the remote computer name it will return the information on the attached monitors.

This computer has two monitors, so the information is separated by [Monitor_1] and [Monitor_2] Get monitor serial number for a list of computers Note – you require Microsoft Excel installed on the computer are you running this script.

» » » » Serial.vbs - Monitor a Serial Device like a modem or a UPS connected to a COM port ActiveXperts Network Monitor ships with a powerful set of pre-defined checks. Each individual check has a static number of configuration items. To monitor other items, or to combine monitoring items, you can make use of custom VBScript checks. Most of the built-in checks have a VBScript equivalent, implemented as a Function in a VBScript (.vbs) file. Out-of-the-box, each VBScript function monitors the same items as the built-in check. Feel free to modify a function. The VBScript check can be customized by editing the VBScript function.

To add a new VBScript-based Serial Device monitoring check, do the following: • On the 'Monitor menu', click 'New Monitoring Check (VBScript)'. The 'VBScript Check' dialog box appears; • In the 'File selection box', select 'Serial.vbs'; • In the 'Function selection box', select 'CheckSerialDevice'; • In the 'Function parameters group box' enter the required parameters. You can also load a working sample first by clicking on the 'Load a sample, click here' link. To customize the above monitoring check, click on the 'Edit button' next to the 'File selection box'.

Vbs Get Monitor Serial Number

Notepad will be launched. You can now make changes to the VBScript function(s). The Professional Kitchen Manager Pdf To Jpg. Serial.vbs script source code ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' // ActiveXperts Network Monitor - VBScript based checks ' // © ActiveXperts Software B.V. ' // ' // For more information about ActiveXperts Network Monitor and VBScript, please ' // visit the online ActiveXperts Network Monitor VBScript Guidelines at: ' // ' // ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' Option Explicit Const retvalUnknown = 1 Dim SYSDATA, SYSEXPLANATION ' Used by Network Monitor, don't change the names ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' // To test a function outside Network Monitor (e.g. Using CSCRIPT from the ' // command line), remove the comment character (') in the following 5 lines: ' Dim bResult ' bResult = CheckSerialDevice( 'COM1' ) ' WScript.Echo 'Return value: [' & bResult & ']' ' WScript.Echo 'SYSDATA: [' & SYSDATA & ']' ' WScript.Echo 'SYSEXPLANATION: [' & SYSEXPLANATION & ']' ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Function CheckSerialDevice( strDevice ) ' Description: ' Queries a serial device.

Transitioning from VBScript. Script Sharing Get Serial Number, Make and Model from Attached Monitors. Scripts >Dj Lemon 2014 Mp3 Song Download here. Get-Monitor.