Photoechoes Kaleidoscope Serial Killers

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Photoechoes Kaleidoscope Serial Killers

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Definitions: • Current FBI definition of a serial killer: TWO OR MORE separate incidents with a cooling-off period in between. • Mass murderers kill two or more people in one incident in one location.

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Note: It is unlikely we will consider anyone without prior experience moderating on reddit. I am in the midst of reading 'Hostage to the Devil' by Malachi Martin, a book on exorcisms. In the first few pages mention is made of an attempted exorcism on a man named Thomas Wu. The account of the attempted exorcism comes from the diaries of Father Michael Strong. The attempted exorcism takes place in the few days before the.

My reason for posting this here is that there seems to be evidence in what I have read in 'Hostage to the Devil' that indicates that Thomas Wu was a serial killer. The passage regarding Thomas Wu indicates that there was suspicion that he had killed at least five men and two women and that when he was finally found that he was amongst rows of corpses.

This is the first I have read of Thomas Wu and because his crimes were committed on the eve of the Rape of Nanking, I doubt there is much other material out there on him or his crimes. I wanted to post to see if anyone else has information on Thomas Wu. Below is the passage from 'Hostage to the Devil' courtesy of: When the search party reached the disused grain store known locally as Puh-Chi (One Window), the bombing of Nanking was at its height.

The night sky was bright with incandescent flares and filled with explosions. Japanese incendiaries were wreaking havoc on Nanking’s wooden buildings. It was December 11, 1937, about 10:00 P.M. The Yangtze delta all the way down to the sea was in Japanese hands. From Shanghai on the coast to within two miles of Nanking was a devastated area on which death had settled like a permanent atmosphere.

Nanking was next on the invaders’ list. And defenseless. December 13 was to be its death date. For one week the police of a southern Nanking city precinct had been looking for Thomas Wu.

The charge: murder of at least five women and two men in the most horrible circumstances: Thomas Wu, the story was, had lolled his victims and eaten their bodies. At the end of one week’s fruitless searching, Father Michael Strong, the missionary parish priest of the district, who had baptized Thomas Wu, sent word unexpectedly that he had found the wanted man in the barnlike Puh-Chi.

But the police captain did not understand the message Father Michael had sent him: “I am conducting an exorcism. Please give me some time.” This Is the only exorcism reported in this book for which I have no transcript and could not conduct extensive interviews. My sole source was Father Michael himself, who recounted these events to me and allowed me to read his diaries. The main door of Puh-Chi was ajar when the police chief arrived. A small knot of men and women stood watching.

They could see Father Michael standing in the middle of the floor. Over in one corner there was another figure, a young, naked man, suddenly ravished by an unnatural look of great age, a long knife in his hands.

On the shelves around the inner walls of the storehouse lay rows and rows of naked corpses in various stages of mutilation and putrefaction. “YOU!!” the naked man was screaming as the police captain elbowed his way to the door, “YOU want to know MY name!” The words “you” and “my” hit the captain like two clenched fists across the ears.

He saw the priest visibly wilt and stagger backward. But, even so, it was the voice that made the captain wonder. He had known Thomas Wu. Never had he heard him speak with such a voice. “In the name of Jesus,” Michael began weakly, “you are commanded...” “Get outta here! Get the hell outta here, you filthy old eunuch!” “You will release Thomas Wu, evil spirit, and.” “I’m taking him with me, pigmy,” came the voice from Thomas Wu.

“I’m taking him. And no power anywhere, anywhere, you hear, can stop us. We are as strong as death.

No one stronger! And he wants to come! He wants to!” “Tell me your name.” The priest was interrupted by a sudden roaring. No one there could say later how the fire started.

An incendiary? A spark carried by the wind from burning Nanking? It was like a sudden, noisy ambush sprung by a silent signal. In a flash the fire had jumped up, a living red weed running around the sides of the storehouse, along the curved roof, and across the wooden floor by the walls. The police captain was already inside, and he gripped Father Michael by the arm, pulling him outside. The voice of Wu pursued them over the noise: “It’s all one.

We’re all the same. Always.” Michael and the captain were outside by then and turned around to listen. “There’s only one of us. One...” The rest of the sentence was drowned in a sudden outburst of flaming timbers. Now, the glass rectangle of the single window was darkening over with smoke and grime. In a few minutes it would be impossible to see anything.

Michael lurched over and peered in. Against the window he could see Thomas’ face plastered for an instant of fixed, grinning agony a horrible picture, a Bosch nightmare come alive. Long, quickly lashing tongues of flame were licking at Thomas’ temples, neck, and hair. Through the hissing and crackling of the fire, Michael could hear Thomas laughing, but very dimly, almost lost to the ear. Between the flames he could see the shelves with their gray-white load of corpses.

Some were melting. Some were burning. Eyes oozing out of sockets like broken eggs.

Hair burning in little tufts. First, fingers and toes and noses and ears, then whole limbs and torsos melting and blackening. And the smell. Then the fixity of Thomas’ grin broke; his face seemed to be replaced by another face with a similar grin. At the top speed of a kaleidoscope, a long succession of faces came and went, one flickering after the other.

All grinning. All with “Cain’s thumbprint on the chin,” as Michael described the mark that haunted him for the rest of his life. Every pair of lips was rounded into the grinning shape of Thomas’ last word: “one!” Faces and expressions Michael never had known.

Some he imagined he knew. Packard Bell Easynote Arc21 Drivers Xp there. Some he knew he imagined. Some he had seen in history books, in paintings, in churches, in newspapers, in nightmares. Japanese, Chinese, Burmese, Korean, British, Slavic. Old, young, bearded, clean-shaven.

Black, white, yellow. Male, female. All grinning with the same grin. More and more and more. Michael felt himself hurtling down an unending lane of faces, decades and centuries and millennia ticking by him, until the speed slowed finally, and the last grinning face appeared, wreathed in hate, its chin just one big thumbprint. Now the window was completely black Michael could see nothing. “Cain...” he began to say weakly to himself.

But a stablike realization stopped the word in his throat, just as if someone had hissed into his inner ear: “Wrong again, fool! Cain’s father. The cosmic Father of Lies and the cosmic Lord of Death. From the beginning of the beginning.

I.” Michael felt a sharp pain in his chest. A strong hand was around his heart stifling its movement, and an unbearable weight lay on his chest, bending him over. He heard the blood thumping in his head and then loud, roaring winds.

A dazzling flash of light burst across his eyes. He slumped to the ground. Strong hands plucked Michael away from the window just in time. The storehouse was now an inferno.

With a tearing crash, the roof caved in. The flames shot up triumphantly and licked the outside walls, burning and consuming ravenously. “Get the old man away from here!” screamed the captain through the smoke and the smell. They all drew back.

Michael, slung over the shoulder of one man, was babbling and sobbing incoherently. The captain could barely make his words out: “I failed. I must go back. Must go back... Please...” When they got Michael to the hospital, his condition was critical.

Apart from burns and smoke inhalation, he had suffered a minor heart attack. And until the following evening, he continued in a delirium. Before the fall of Nanking, he was smuggled out by the faithful police captain and a few parishioners. They made their way northwestwards, barely escaping the tightening Japanese net.