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An Interview with Firoze Manji: “Nothing in international law allows regime change and assassination of a leader”. PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR: Welcome to The Real News Network.

I’m Paul Jay in Washington. On the 18th, Hillary Clinton was in Tripoli, Libya, and according to AP, said in unusually blunt terms, according to AP, that the United States would like to see Muammar Gaddafi dead. Well, two days later they got their wish. Muammar Gaddafi was apparently assassinated, murdered, as his convoy was somewhere around Sirte, and perhaps bombed, we think, by NATO planes, and then shot, apparently, by national transitional government forces. Now joining us from London to talk about the significance of Gaddafi’s death is Firoze Manji.

Firoze is editor-in-chief of Pambazuka News, and he joins us from London. Thanks for joining us, Firoze. FIROZE MANJI, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Nice to be on your show again. JAY: So, first of all, what do we know so far about what happened? MANJI: Well, it seems to me that what you describe was quite right, that NATO forces were–had bombed his convoy, and he was therefore captured.

And according to pictures on the BBC website, he was shot with a golden gun. This was extrajudicial killing, and supported by Hillary Clinton. It’s very unfortunate. Dell Floppy Drive Module Mpf82e Driver. But the issue, I think, in Libya today is not so much about Gaddafi, but that this symbolizes the final occupation, the recolonization of Libya by the US and NATO forces.

It is now a question of the US government and the Europeans taking hold of Libya and doing with it what it wants. It has access to not only its oil and gas reserves, but something that the media doesn’t really cover very often, and that is the huge, huge water resources under the Libyan soil. JAY: Firoze, before we get into that–and we will–let’s just back up one step.

In terms of any kind of international law, it seems to me there’s no rationale for, or no excuse for what happened here at all. Whatever one makes of the original reasons for the UN resolution, the assassination of a leader of a country and his overthrow had nothing to do with protecting civilians. So, I mean, what does this mean? Is this, like, a final nail in the coffin that there is such a thing as international law today?

MANJI: I think it’s a blunt admission by the US that this was about regime change and not about protecting any civilians. It may have been that the initial excuse was one of protecting those in Benghazi who had real cause for fear.

But in reality what this has been turned into, and a breach of the UN regulations, it is a regime-change operation. It is not so much the national transitional government which has been running it. It has been essentially a NATO and US operation. JAY: Now, we did a story a couple of months ago, actually, about the difference or the contradiction between the French and the US on one side and the Italians and Russians on the other in terms of the scramble for Libyan oil. There was an oil deal. Eni was called, in a WikiLeaks piece, a stalking horse–Eni being the Italian oil company–a stalking horse for Gazprom. And the US wanted to block the Russians from getting Libyan oilfields.

I mean, to what extent is this about Gaddafi wasn’t playing ball–. Or who wasn’t he playing ball with? Because to a large extent he was playing ball. On the other hand, what do they get now, except some–it seems, a very chaotic situation? So what does all this achieve for anybody?

MANJI: Well, indeed, I think it’s very good question. I mean, I think they have created a situation which is going to be continually chaotic. They are after–there is a competition for access to the very, very rich oil reserves and gas reserves in Libya. But, you know, it’s not unusual that there are inter-imperialist rivalries between the different factions of empire. But one thing is very clear: this is a very good demonstration that when it comes to the crunch, they are able to act together and act in solidarity. What we have seen is an imperial solidarity which has taken over Libya. JAY: Now, it’s not that Gaddafi wasn’t playing ball, I guess.

MANJI: Not at all. I mean, over five years ago, I mean, over eight–or maybe even longer than that, I mean, you know, he gave concessions to all kinds of US and European corporations.

So, I mean, he was playing ball. But I think the one thing that does need to be stressed, I think that Gaddafi’s principal crime, at least in relation to how–from the perspective of empire, his major crime was that he refused to take any loans. He refused to have any debts.

And, you know, you can’t be a part of the international club if you don’t get yourself in hock to the IMF and the World Bank and to the corporations. And he was very, very agile in preventing any attempt to make Libya take in–into debts. The second thing is that he refused to join the club of bankers and set up his own bank.

Indeed, he had plans to set up a pan-African bank, which would then provide loans to African countries. JAY: But for–there was an IMF report in 2010 on their general annual report on Libya that said he had agreed to a big privatization of Libyan banks. We just saw this report just a few months ago. MANJI: Indeed. And so why invade and why knock him out? I think this is part of a strategy for the US to be able to establish AFRICOM in Africa.

The reality is that apart from Liberia, none of the African countries have agreed to have AFRICOM troops, or at least their–recognized as AFRICOM, the USAFRICOM, Africa Command, which has been based until now in Stuttgart and apparently has offices now in Italy. But now it is quite clear that AFRICOM will move into Libya.

There’s been [incompr.] opposition to AFRICOM doing that. JAY: You think–what’s the evidence that? Because certainly the rebels have said they’re not going to let any of these troops on the ground. I mean, what evidence is there they will have AFRICOM [crosstalk] MANJI: Well, let us see. I mean, we’re talking about something happening in the future, so your guess is as good as mine.

I’m just using my knowledge of what AFRICOM strategy has been. JAY: Because there’s a very weird alliance going on here, including in Libya.

A lot of Islamists and others who are very–in principle very opposed to US policy in general, a kind of an unholy alliance, maybe, with France and the US here. MANJI: Well, I think–you know, no, I think that will play out.

But, I mean, we have to also set the context. I mean, you know, this is happening in a period where the European euro is about to disappear up its own orifice.

I mean, the financial crisis that is–that Europe is on the brink of is extraordinary. It is, according to people like /s@.%mIr.@.’min/, a crisis which is far, far deeper, far greater than that was experienced in the 1930s. And so this is the context in which it is happening. And the Germans are desperately trying to find a way to stop Greece imploding and taking the euro down.

And France–the banks in France are all going under as well, and so they want to be bailed out. And so perhaps Libya provides some opportunity, but I think it’s probably too little too late by now. JAY: Yeah, it’s hard to see that the–.

MANJI: And I think we are on the brink of that. And I think that’s the US–. JAY: Firoze, I want to get back–before we run out of time, I want to get back to the point you were making about the importance of the water that has been developed, water resource in Libya. Can you speak about that a bit?

MANJI: Well, I mean, Libya underground contains some of the largest aquifers known in Africa. I mean, they are massive, massive water sources. And this is going to be privatized. This is going to be providing a source of water not for Africa, not for agriculture, not for feeding people, which is actually, curiously, what was Gaddafi’s plan, but rather as a source of a commodity which will be speculated upon. And, you know, that’s the future that we face. And you were saying, you know, the kind of forces that have been liberated in Libya, I mean, the Islamists have never had any stronghold there, but they will now become quite a serious force.

I’m not sure I agree with your characterization that the Islamists are necessarily opposed to the US. I mean, look at what’s happening in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood is cozying up to the US very well there.

JAY: But the particular players in Libya have a history of that. But I guess we’ll see. I mean, there’s–the actual players that are involved in the Islamist leadership, if I understand it, in Libya have a history of being part of even the struggle, the fight in Iraq and so on. I mean, all of this is very fluid and to be seen, but let’s just go back to the beginning and end with the first point, which is, whatever the situation is, it seems to be that there’s an open field or a green light on killing leaders these days.

MANJI: It seems so. And I think more seriously what we have open season on is that I think the US strategy is to benefit from creating destabilized states which are chaotic and allows–which means that there is no central government which can control anything. And we’ve seen this happen in Somalia. We’ve seen it happen in the DRC.

We’ve seen it happening now in Libya. And I think, you know, that is part of a strategy to create destabilized situations, which allows, therefore, a justification for military intervention, as we’ve just seen in Uganda. And so–you know. And we are–we probably will see that happening and that spreading within Sudan, and unfortunately in South Sudan as well.

So the future on that side doesn’t look good. But, Paul, let me just say, the other context is not just the eurozone disappearing, but the fact that we have 951 cities across the world where–in 86 countries, where there have been mass mobilizations and solidarity actions around the occupying of Wall Street. I mean, you know, this is extraordinary. This has never, ever happened before, and people organizing around the question of, you know, the 99 percent suffer and the 1 percent benefit.

And I think, you know, we have to look at it in that context as well. And I think, you know, this is–in a sense, Libya’s paying the price for these mobilizations. So I think there’s hope, as well as some despair, in what is happening. JAY: Thanks very much for joining us, Firoze. MANJI: Thank you. JAY: And thank you for joining us on The Real News Network. On October 20, the mainstream media were reporting that NATO on October 21 will meet and announce that, now that Gaddafi has been “killed” (or so they claim), NATO will leave Libya within “a couple of days”.

You can easily find articles by Googling, “NATO to end war on Friday, October 21.” Now, keep in mind that NATO lies “through its teeth,” and we can’t necessarily believe this report. But I present here what I believe is happening, some by way of review: 1. NATO predicted a battle that would “only take weeks.” It got bogged down for eight (8) months. NATO remained furious with the incompetence of the rats (rebels), and expressed their frustration openly, many times.

NATO announced that its pilots were suffering from fatigue. NATO commanders began to express fears of being brought before a Nuremburg-style court, on charges of war crimes, and began telling some of their pilots to stop bombing, even though they were flying over Libya. At a meeting in the third week of September, which I reported here at Mathaba, and which was recorded in a DEBKAfile report, NATO met with U. Craigslist Cash Cow Pdf File. S. Intelligence agents, at CIA headquarters, for an assessment of progress over the last eight months. And their own conclusion was the following: NATO’s 8-month operation has been “ineffectual” and, at times, “pathetic.” For new readers, DEBKAfile is an Internet news organ specializes in military and intelligence and security issues, and is considered a top-rated organ. Its analyses are often correct. If reports that us “information warriors” have been receiving, via blogs and other sources, have been correct, the Green Resistance has been making remarkable progress, gobbling up city after city after city, including most of Tripoli.

The TNC has never been able to create a stable cabinet to run the affairs of their imaginary new Libya. No more than two weeks ago, 90% of its members resigned. Intense in-fighting, including actual military battles between “rebel” brigades, have been ongoing since the very beginning of this war. This fighting, recently, has mostly taken place in Misrata, although we’ve received reports that heavy fighting has taken place in Tripoli between rival Al-Qaeda gangs, as well as between rival rat gangs.

The Tuaregs entered the war [Have you noticed how fast things have moved since The Tuareg tribe entered this war? Their fighting, at several places, has helped move The Resistance forward]. Time.com reports: “In Tripoli, Libya’s Interim Leader [Jibril] says He Is Quitting – His warning underscores just how much Libya is now in limbo — and just how dangerous that might be. The exhilarating sense of victory, which gripped the world’s attention when rebel columns rolled into Tripoli on Aug. 20, has largely dissipated, Jibril said, looking glum, rather than a man rejoicing liberation.” Why would Jibril quit at this time of “glory,” when Muammar Gaddafi is supposedly dead? Why? Why would he be “looking glum” at this time. Here is what I believe has happened. The political leaders, who do control NATO totally, have had it. They instructed NATO to do something–anything that could give them a “good” excuse to end this war, save their money, and so-call proclaim a victory.

Here comes Hillary Clinton, the racist, psychopathic, war-mongering witch, just yesterday, calling for the death of Muammar Gaddafi. And suddenly, one day later the deed is supposedly done. Is this to be believed? Perhaps. It appears to me–although I cannot prove this in absolute terms–that NATO has surrendered, due to pressure from the political forces that control it, as well as due to it’s own assessment of its performance as being “ineffectual” and “pathetic.” In short, NATO might soon be leaving the rats out to dry– something that Brother Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi had predicted, and warned the rats about. The northern countries lie, yes. But this time they might be telling the truth and this report was not mean to leak out. I find it very odd that they suddenly decide that one day after the alleged death of Gaddafi, they are going to declare the war over with, even though fighting continues at this moment. Mathaba has informed us that the Green Committees have stated that Muammar Gaddafi is alive in well. That report might change, as time goes on.

The mainstream media say the opposite. An initial report from AlgeriaISP, which stated that Dr. Moussa Ibrahim had announced that Muammar Gaddafi was actually killed, is now said to be a complete hoax (See ). As time passes, more and more of the pro-Gaddafi blogs are reporting (on what basis, I do not know) that Muammar is alive and well.

T-West, of AfriSynergy, submitted a video report that states that Muammar Gaddafi is not dead. Morris Herman doubts the media reports. Stephen Lendman believes NATO and the rats are lying. The Russian supporters at Za-kaddafi.ru are adamant that the mainstream media reports of the death of Gaddafi are false. In truth, it doesn’t matter. This war was never about Muammar Gaddafi. This war is about justice vs. It is about freedom vs. It is about psychopathic racist domination vs. Sane, human cooperation and love.

The fight has to continue, whether Muammar is dead or alive; whether he is out of communication due to strategic reasons, or whether he’s out in the open speaking freely. The fight is a global fight for the emancipation of the human soul. People, I ask you to continue your humble and heartfelt prayers that Almighty God allow justice to finally prevail; that He give us the understanding of why this crime was allowed to take place; that He make us worthy of the task of holding up the Green Flag of universal truth; that he forgive us our weaknesses, and that He help us to attain the Final Victory of Peace. Ameen (Amen). Original From. – The NATO rats also known as rebels, have lied constantly in the past about the death of Gaddafi and the death or capture of his sons. Someday Gaddafi will pass on from this life but that doesn’t change the struggle in Libya and NATO will have to remain indefinitely in Libya because the NTC is going to eventually collapse, just as the situation in Iraq is going to unravel.

Look at this photo below and look the dates of publication online: have a day before the date of declaration of the death of Colonel! () PLEASE COPY AND SPREAD Guardate questa foto e le date della pubblicazione online: sono antecedenti di un giorno alla data della dichiarazione della morte del colonnello!!! () PER FAVORE COPIATE E DIFFONDETE. Rumours are circulating with once again European and American leaders misinforming the public, and the usual media culprits Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabia broadcasting the occupation NTC (National Terrorist Council) claim of the capture or death of Muammar Qaddafi.Green Committees have confirmed that the leader is alive, and that the enemy is seeking to take advantage of his being currently out of communications.

The aim is to please Hillary Clinton who barked at her Arab slaves that she wants Muammar Qaddafi “dead or alive.”The analysts who are close to the Libyan leader have told Mathaba that the aim of the rumours is several fold. On the one hand, they wish to demoralize the Libyan resistance which has held out for over 7 months against the strongest terrorists and invading armies in the world.

On the other hand, they wish to thus lure the Leader out to make a call in order to attempt to get a fix on his location.The Secretary-General of the International People’s Conference Organization told Mathaba that there is also another aim in this strategy of Clinton and her minions, which is to attempt to perpetuate the myth that the NTC controls all of Libya and that the Jamahiriya is no more, because the NTC has made it clear they cannot declare a government unless they control the entire country. NATO, the American-European armed forces, primarily cowardly Air Forces which have been bombing Libya non-stop since March this year, and special ground forces and foreign terrorists, have killed an estimated 60,000 Libyans thus far, but the Libyan Jamahiriya remains the only legitimate government because it rests squarely upon the Libyan people.

The IPCO Secretary-General said “Clinton wishes to lay her hands on the over 100 billion dollars of Libyan Jamahiriya assets which have been frozen. She cannot do so legally nor hand over any of those funds on any legal footing so long as the Jamahiriya continues to exist. And it does continue to exist, because it consists of over 6,000 basic. “The fact that the basic people’s conferences could not convene at least twice a year as usual this year, has been because of the heavy NATO bombing and lack of security for the public to gather in their conference halls. However, in other countries around the world, elections take place only every 4, 5 or even 7 years, not several times a year as in the Jamahiriya, so the existing policies and legislation remain in force, as well as the existing authorities, until such time as the masses can convene again”, the Secretary-General said. Mathaba Libya news editor said that NATO and Clinton are desperate to show a “victory” in Libya, by way of a, and the NTC is anxious to provide that “victory” for their masters, in order to secure further support.

The NTC leaders and their factions are all fighting amongst each other, and are dissatisfied with the spoils, which so far have not been forthcoming due to the armed population putting up a fierce resistance, and the globalist bankers being unable to keep their promises to the Libyan traitors. Libyans should continue their mass green demonstrations and resistance, and ignore all rumours, as it has been confirmed that Mu’ammar Qaddafi is alive and well and will not be in communications currently for security reasons. One of the main aims of Clinton has been to kill or capture Qaddafi, or otherwise force him to leave Libya, and none of those aims will be granted her. Oil and private military/mercenary company Heritage has muscled its way into Libya. The London-based oil company is the to buy its way into Libya, after acquiring a controlling 51% stake in Sahara Oil Services – which apparently brings the right to bid for and operate oil and gas licenses in the country. Heritage has a controversial path of moving into conflict zones and countries ridden by civil war. CEO Tony Buckingham – himself – as “a first mover strategy of entering regions with vast hydrocarbon wealth where we have a strategic advantage.” In other words, by entering resource-rich regions while guns are still blazing, Heritage can secure excessively profitable deals.

The company is repeating this strategy in country after country. Its drilling on Lake Albert between Uganda and Congo (DRC) exacerbated conflict between the neighbouring countries, including a Ugandan military raid that killed Congolese civilians on a passenger ferry. PLATFORM reports calculated that Heritage’s contracts in both and were unfairly biased and transferred billions of dollars of state revenue to private companies. Heritage is now $400 million in capital gains tax by taking Uganda to arbitration. A similar process in Iraq saw Heritage signing deals in Iraqi Kurdistan while the central government was declaring them illegal.

Heritage’s early deal in Libya seems to have followed the same pattern. The company ex-SAS officer John Holmes to Benghazi soon after the war began, to build relationships with the NTC opposition. Senior rebel – now government – officials that Holmes had made proposals that Heritage use its mercenary experience to prvide “oil field security” in Libya. The company Britain’s Foreign Minister William Hague – after a meeting in the elite Carlton Club – for support in gaining a mercenary contract.

While these proposals were rejected, Heritage’s purchase of Sahara Oil Services gives it a foothold in the country. Controversies continue, with the two most senior oil officials in the Libya’s new government claiming they were not informed over the company’s acquisition, and Libya’s former oil head that the transfer of licenses to a new foreign player would require approval from the ministry of economy. But Heritage clearly hopes that its combination of mercenary skills and backroom diplomacy will allow it to make another contract coup. Phil Corbett of the Royal Bank of Scotland that “we are inclined to see Heritage’s move positively.” Font.