Mugen Super Mario Character Download

Stickman14's edit MASA's Super Mario edit is currently. Unlike most Mugen characters this NES Mario cannot do basic attacks such as punching and.

Mugen Super Mario Character Download

Salutations MUGEN community. On this day I will be featuring a stage, the first in a series of Super Mario Bros. 3 related stages, I'm here introduce to you all. Super Mario Bros. 3: Grassland Stage UPDATE! I've been told numerous times too mend the grassland stage of the hideous green ground upon which the character do battle upon, I too have seen this problem before uploading, but I could not find anyway to repair it, and as such I have left it as is.

However after playing the Super Mario Bros.3 game once more, I have found out a way to make this piece of labor better, I hope you do so too. I have also applied fixes to two of my previous stages Einbroch: City of Steel and Mausoleum of the Emperor, you can find them on my site.

Anyway the changes to the Grassland stage are as follows: • Changed the way ground looks as in what the characters are standing on, the original blocked the background too much and the hedges that I put there were an eyesore to me. • New animations for Lakitu, floating animations is changed to code, moved Lakitu higher.(I don't want to distract players, since they're gonna be reading the sign instead of playing the game) Special Thanks to Tamez for the code • Moved Goomba, also changed it's shadow color • Changed the clouds, moved them back (they no longer cover the spotted hills), clouds are now moving. • Added new images, like a separate ground image and.dancing hedges And without further delay, I bring to you screenshots. A new ground for the players to stand on.notice the two new platforms.

These relieves me of the distracting hedges I despise in putting on the ground on which the players stand on. Lakitu is more difficult to see now.He now has a blinking animation Dancing hedges.plant cactus thing. Take note that everything made in this stage may seem ripped from a game, but that is highly incorrect assessment, for you see I made every part of the background from scratch, yes including the Goomba, which I hope I will learn how to make it move back and forth, someday. There are a lot of things that animate here, although they only stay on a single position, also the Background music would be the same music of that world in the game, since Grassland is the 1st World, it will have that highly memorable music (if you can recall, the overworld map with the dancing plants). If none of you won't mind, as long as it is a Mario stage you'll be seeing a floating Lakitu carrying my name on a sign on a fishing rod.

And as such, you can download this stage: in. In.whichever you like. Criticism is welcome. SMB3-1 World: - The floor looks flat as it is, and there is no impression of depth.

I'd suggest you apply some slight gradient to make the grass darker as it goes to the back of the stage. Another idea would be to add some grass/bushes, and make them move with deltas accordingly. - The clouds have some bad red pixels. Museum of Horrors: - Boundhigh is badly set. - Plus, the clouds effect doesn't go to the top of the sky. Einbroch: - Boundhigh is badly set.

Overall, Museum and SMB3 stage are really cool stages. I see that you are interested in making objects move in your stage. Let's look at your Lakitu, as his type of movement can be accomplished pretty simply. You have 10 sprites devoted to his animation, but he's not blinking or anything so you don't need them.

I'll just pick one and turn his type to normal. Now, I'm going to add in a sin.y element. That will just make him bounce. Sin.y has three parts, amplitude (high much he will move up and down), the period of the motion in game ticks it takes for him to get back to the center of the bounce, and then the offset to start. I usually leave this last value at 0, because for this type of consistent bounce the starting point really doesn't matter much. Here's the code I used:;Lakitu---------------------------------- [BG Lakitu] type = normal layerno = 0 spriteno = 3, 5 delta = 1.8, 1.8 mask = 1 sin. Download Facebook For Symbian S60. y = 8, 200, 0 sin.y = 8, 200, 0 So 8 pixels down from the center then 8 pixels up from the center, 200 ticks of game time to complete the bounce, and 0 to start the bounce in the center. Magix Video Pro X5 Mp4 Serial.

Also on the Lakitu, I was going to recommend placing him lower in the stage, but if you are going to move the whole stage down as suggested, it may not be necessary. --- Another thing about your stage is, you have some sprites that would be better off cropped. I appreciate everybody's feedback, I have made and will be making certain adjustments on the stage based off of the recommendations.

As a result the next stage may be put on hold for awhile, however the current stage will be made anew and will be better than ever, at least through my eye. I also want to emphasize this boundhigh subject we have spoken of, however I tried modifying a character's cns file, specifically the airjump attributes it doesn't seem to take effect, is there a procedure for making characters jump higher? Anyway thank you all for the responses and replies.