Kagan Cooperative Learning Timer Tools Free

Imagine this: You are doing a PowerPoint presentation and with one click, your whole screen turns into a huge hourglass to let your learners know how much time they have left to discuss an issue. Or, your class computer rings a “Time's Up!” alarm letting students know its time to switch gears. Excitement mounts as your class or workshop participants race against the TimerTools stopwatch, attempting to break their prior record for a challenging task. It's all possible with TimerTools. TimerTools is the Swiss army knife for teachers and presenters: 12 essential tools in one!

Whether you are presenting to a small class or a huge audience, TimerTools is your perfect solution for every presentation need: hourglass, analog clock, digital clock, alarm clock, multiple customizable alarms, seconds countdown timer, turn timer, interval timer, digital stopwatch, analog stopwatch, and split timer. Each attractive, scalable, customizable timer tool is super easy to use. Icom Ic F25sr Software Engineering. Ideal for computer presentations or to turn your whole computer into a suite of powerful timing tools. For PC and Mac. 'EB' on Seamless White Background.

Kagan Cooperative Learning Timer Tools Free

I've been reading some online about lighting for seamless backgrounds. I was doing some selfies with the timer when I saw EB walking by, and she's a whole better looking than I am! Overall I was happy with the shot, accomplished what I was after but wish I had a little more light on her face. I took EB on my NYC trip when she was a student here, she graduated, went to college, got married, and has been back teaching with us several years. With her young looks she probably still gets asked for a hall pass by some of the teachers that don't know her. She is also one of the fun people I eat lunch with everyday!

Timer Tools ($2.99) Kagan's famous TimerTools software is now available as an app. You get a suite of powerful timers that are super easy to use. Timers include: Countdown, Stop Watch, Turn Timer, Seconds Up, Seconds Down, and Interval Timer. Access and set any timer with just a few clicks. All the most frequent times.

Kagan Cooperative Learning Timer Tools Free

Strobist- 2 SB900 is small soft boxes mounted on ceiling pointed to background. 1 SB900 camera right about 3' above her head (should've lowered that one) in umbrella diffusor, and 1 SB600 camera left about head level in umbrella. Fired using Nikon CLS and TTL using onboard flash as a commander. 149-365 Thank you and you and you.

Using TimerTools™ with PowerPoint Make TimerTools Full Screen Maximize the size of TimerTools™ for your audience by running it full screen. Here's how: • Full Screen: To view TimerTools™ as a full screen, select View >Full Screen (Shortcut keys: for PC: Control + F; for Mac: Command + F) • Exit Full Screen: To exit Full Screen press the ESC key or repeat the full screen shortcut keys again.

Tab to Your Timer (Mac) To tab between TimerTools™ and PowerPoint on the Mac in OS X: Command + Tab Tab to Your Timer (PC) For fast switching between TimerTools™ and PowerPoint on the PC, Hint: For presentations, quit any unnecessary applications to simplify locating the intended applications. Using Multiple Timers (Mac) If you intend to use multiple timers during your presentation, you can easily by-pass the step of opening specific timers through the main menu each time. To do this, duplicate TimerTools on your computer, then make and run copies. Rename the copy to the name of the timer you want to use. For example, if you want to use the Analog Stopwatch, name the copy 'Analog Stopwatch.' Repeat the process for each timer you want to demonstrate. Before you begin your presentation, open all your duplicate timers and select the timer that matches your file name on each copy.

Now, when you're in PowerPoint, you can easily tab directly to the timer you want at any point during the presentation, or from one timer to another. TimerTools Links • • • • • • Using With PowerPoint • •. Prirucnik Za Polaganje Vozackog Ispita Pdf Editor.