Do You Want My Opinion By M. Kerr Pdf

“Do you want my onion” used absurdum to poke fun at the idea of a society where sex is the norm and thoughts are seen as sacred. The main issue that the author is trying to get across is the idea that in today’s society sex is seen as normal and people no longer share ideas the way they used to. Absurdum is the method of taking a situation to ridiculous proportions. This story dose this through creating situations where normally ideas would be passed along but in steed sex and other physical acts are used in their place.

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Do You Want My Opinion By M. Kerr Pdf

“In the school yard everyone was cuddled up except for some of the lovers, who were of walking in pairs, talking.” This is the perfect example of the society that the author is trying to purvey. The author has successfully created an idea of a society where sex is the norm, but it also leaves a question would this world – society – be better or worst then the current. ‘Do you want my opinion’ is a satirical text that uses absurdism and stereotypes to create a world where social life is the complete opposite.

The world in which the story is set is a place where any conveying of ideas is considered sacred. This of course means that sexual relations are public and considered normal. The technique absurdism is used because to us the idea of having sexual interactions with people in public is something that you only do with someone that you care about and the exchanging of thoughts is normal and leads to the development of other ideas based on the opinions of the people that the ideas came from. The story also contains the reversal of stereotypes.

This is done by the people who freely express their opinions and feelings are considered ‘Opinion whores’. The idea of a whore in our society is someone who freely has sex with people without thinking about the consequences of it. This is being mocked by having those who freely express ideas becoming frowned upon and society questions how they view the importance of only sharing opinions with people you care about. A good example of this is when the boy is thinking about if his parents discuss opinions and comes to the conclusion that they ‘wait until I’m asleep to get into their discussions’.

Do You Want My Opinion By M. Kerr Pdf

This is the reverse of today’s society where if parents are going to have sexual interactions they would wait until everyone is asleep so as to not disturb others. “Do you want my opinion?” written by M.E. Kerr satirises society’s rules and norms surrounding promiscuity and the sharing of ideas through absurdism. Mawaly Nasheed Downloads.

The text creates a world in which the sharing of ideas is an utmost act of intimacy and promiscuity as a common activity engaged by all. This directly contrasts the real world and the reader cannot help but find humor in the absurdistic reality created. Absurdism is the changing of a norm in society to the point of the ridiculous to heighten the impact of the satirist’s criticism. Through direct contrast of our society’s values, the writer uses absurdism to form an opposite world that criticises the accepted norms of physical and mental trust. An example of this can be easily seen when the protagonist of the story opens his thoughts up to the audience, “You can always tell the ones in love by their passionate gestures as they get into conversations.” M.E.

Kerr skillfully parodies social norms surrounding touching and thinking through exaggerated absurdism. Absurdism is used to mock the flaws within the structure of society. In the short story, “Do You Want My Opinion?” the social structure of the schooling environment is mocked when sexual encounters are considered routine and general conversation is a private and rare event. The author describes this contradiction at an absurd level which is a humorous device for the readers of the story. A clear example of this absurd parallel is seen during “Thoughts class”. As a reader we are shocked to hear such comments like, “Mr Porter ran back and kissed Lauren.” Would teachers be able to do that in the real world?

In this text absurdism is being used to satirise the rigid structure of society. Kerr creates a society in his short story “Do You Want My Opinion” where intimacy is considered the norm and the expression of opinions or values are considered private. This text uses the satirical technique of absurdism to make the reader question societies laws and rules and make them think about what would be different. Absurdism is being used to make a humourous text into a more serious analysis of society’s rigid class structure for example when John is talking about his parents he remarks, “I don’t think they’ve exchanged an idea in years”.

Imagine if we lived in this society; wouldn’t life be boring without opinions, ideas and values? Satire is used by writers to mock an issue or an aspect of society. The text “Do you want my opinion?” uses absurdism to satirize the value of relationships in today’s society. Me Kerr’s text suggests that today’s modern world lacks depth and moral values when it comes to forming relationships with others. She does this by reversing the roles of which promiscuity and communication in today’s world. The technique of absurdism is being used to heighten the impact of Kerr’s criticism on today’s society.

“Do you want my opinion? Express Accounts 4 61 Keygenguru there. ” exaggerates the absurdness of a world where sexual connection is normal and mental connection is immoral. When Lauren, a student in the reversed world, tries to express herself a teacher has to control her in order to stop her from expressing. “‘In my opinion,’ Lauren began, but Mr. Porter had to get her under control, so he pressed his mouth against hers until she was quiet.” The ridiculousness of a world where promiscuity is normal and the sharing of ideas is frowned upon engages the reader and maintains their attention. This allows the author to get her point across about the issue of less communication in relationships today. “Do you want my opinion?” uses exaggeration to mock society’s rules, values and expectations in an absurd world.

In the script, the author writes on how an almost parallel world defines right, wrong and how a person decides to leave their sexual life. The author states the absolute absurdity of a world opposite to others, for example the dad of John tells John to “Stick to Lovemaking”, rather than really knowing the individual – this absolutely exaggeration! What kind of father would tell their teenage son to go to school and have sexual relations with someone they don’t know, let alone at all! Generally the whole piece of text uses exaggeration to drag across the unfair, un-true world that is being created by the text. Funnily enough, could a world like that be worth it? Absurdism is being used in “Do you want my opinion?” to provoke and mock the way today’s society is evolving.

The base idea of a world where thoughts are hidden but affection is exposed is Ludacris. The world would not move, technology would not evolve without the simple discussion of ideas that are freely expressed in today’s society. A ‘slut’ in a world like this would be one who expresses their thoughts and ideas out of speech.

Absurdism is being used to exaggerate and mock today’s era of the emotionless and meaningless ‘hook up’ compared to in earlier times the expression of ideas and a loving caring relationship. “All I have ever seen them do is hug and kiss. Maybe they wait until I’m asleep to get into their discussions.” What would a world be like with teachers being sued for thought provoking but being intimate with students is acceptable? Satire is one of the most common forms of writing to produce a comedic approach to mock an issue or an aspect of society. In the story, “Do you want my opinion?” by ME Kerr, many forms of satire are used to convey this image of a world where ideas have swapped places with sex. Antithesis is used throughout the whole story as it is trying to make us imagine this world that is the complete opposite the one we live in.

We are introduced to the idea of sex becoming a part of normal daily life and talking about ideas has become this sacred activity – like how sex is today in our world. Absurdum is used in this story to mock the situation of society’s rules and values. It demonstrates how sex used to be a sacred activity but is now becoming more of a normal activity where as sharing and talking about ideas was a very common occurrence but now it’s slowly become more of a rare occurrence and sex has become a main priority. “Josephine Merril is a brain! I’d like to know her opinions! If you’d like some interesting conversations, try Loulou.” This quote implies that knowing someone’s opinions is the equivalent to sleeping with them in our world. This story gives us a look at a crazy world full of sex and how it would be normal to partake in sexual interactions with others where as sharing ideas is the equivalent of sex in our time.

Kerr’s short story “Do You Want My Opinion?” cleverly uses the satirical device of absurdism to scorn society’s views of human interaction and sex. Satire, or “laughter with knives”, allows writers to emphasize issues or aspects of society using wit and often humor. The story is set in a parallel universe where personal opinions are considered intimate and sexual interactions are deemed mainstream and casual. The radical absurdity of a world where the roles of sex and communication are inversed allows the writer to criticize the huge emphasis that society places on sexuality rather than intellect and genuine communication. An example of this is when the teenage protagonist explains that “you can always tell the ones in love by their passionate gestures as they get into conversations.” This absurdism allows Kerr to provide a stark contrast to our own reality where sexual encounters are intimate and scintillating conversation is not just for those in love. In “Do You Want My Opinion?” antithesis is used to ridicule the lack of moral standards in today’s society. These values are mocked in a civilization where sexual encounters with one another are considered normal and exchanging ideas is considered intimate and private.

This satirical technique is used to ridicule the impact modern teenagers’ values have on overall society and how it is developing negatively. Antithesis is shown in the line, “To tell you the truth, I can’t imagine [my parents] exchanging ideas, ever, though I know they did”, and is used by contrasting ideas by using opposites and placing them in proximity. This quote is a classic example of an uncomfortable and inappropriate conversation between friends speaking about others (in particular family members) taking part in something considered private.

Antithesis highlights the importance of exchanging ideas/conversations and sexual encounters and ridicules society’s developmentby using absurd parallels. The story of “Do You Want My Opinion?” takes place in a modern society in which sharing idea’s is frowned upon and should be kept private, unlike sexual interactions such as kissing which can be done anywhere and at any time, and is considered a socially acceptable approach to interact with people.

The writer uses absurdism to capture the reader’s attention. This is evident in a section in which a teacher kisses a student to stop her from telling the class her ideas. The writer takes situations that would happen in our society, and trades off sexual interactions with the telling of ideas. For example implying that telling somebody your ideas and thoughts is similar to having sex with them in our society. Effectively tipping today’s society on its head. ‘Do you want my opinion’ is a satirical text that uses absurdism and stereotypes to create a world where social life is the complete opposite. The world in which the story is set is a place where the conveying of opinions is considered a special.

This has made sexual relations more public and considered ordinary everyday occurences. The technique absurdism is used because to the people of this world, the idea of having sexual interactions with people in public is something that a person generally does with someone that you care about, exchanging of thoughts and opinions is normal.

The story also contains the reversal of stereotypes. This is done by the people who freely express their opinions and feelings are considered eccentric or wierd. Those who freely express opinion become frowned upon and society questions how they view the importance of only sharing opinions with people you care about. A good example of this is when the boy is thinking about if his parents discuss opinions and comes to the conclusion that they ‘wait until I’m asleep to get into their discussions’. This is a reversal of the common idea that things happen when your sleeping.

“Do you want my opinion?” presents us with a promiscuous alternate society that is so absurd that we laugh at it at first, but this humour engages us with the text so that we can see pass our own social objections and realize the point that the author is arguing. Namely, that our own social values are not the only ones that can exist. Juxtaposed next to our own society, this world where conversations and sexual acts have swap roles so a teacher can kiss a student so that they do not spill forth ideas in the controversial ‘Thoughts class’ appears as strange to us as our society does to them, yet both societies maintain their values as the right ones. They even use the same arguments to defend opposite things.

As one student in the alternate society criticises the public sharing of thoughts, he says, “That’s just a good way to cheapen the exchange of ideas!” We could use the exact same line to defend the intimacy of sex. Which leads me to wonder, which society is the alternate?

1 ) topic sentence – absurdism is being used to mock the artifical construction of societys values and rules. In this thesis their are two main words that have been found. Mock and society. -thesis: satire is used by writers to mock an issue or aspect of society – in this article society has been mocked by flipping the norm upside down and reversing everyday life into sexual activites being normal and the discussion of feelings being forbidden and almost un thought of. 2) discuss the issue more fully: this is quite a hard issue to comprohend being unthought of not being able to discuss feelings and any thoughts that come into your head.

If you could not discuss idea’s and thoughts how would the society evolve and how would their be new inventions and idea’s. 3)statre how the technique is being used: the technique of this story is that normal society only consists on sexual encounters “hook up’s” instead of conversation and thought sharing. Were parents only share conversaions late at night when the children are asleep.

4) quote from the text.-? 5) insightful concluding topic.-? By matt fleming. The satirical story “Do you want my opinion?” is a commentary on a social situation that is opposite to what the world is really like. The up side down nature of the human relationships described in the story were sexual expression is the norm and the sharing of ideas and convocations are taken very seriously. The main satirical device is absurdum.

The use of this device adds to the satirical nature of the story and sure every one and the can relate to the content in the story. This story is mocking and exaggerating how now days in society it is norm to express your feelings through sexual physical activity.

The techniques that the writer uses is a lot of sexual engagement and ideas of how did opinions and thoughts become so less important making the reader think has society come close to this kind of theory are thoughts and opinions becoming less important. “Do you want my opinion” is a story that pokes fun on current social structures, by creating a world where the social structures are reversed. In the other world sexual relations occur in public and considered normal. The sharing of thoughts and general conversation is usually private. The author adds absurdism into her text to make the reader question society and to make the story more serious that it is. Example of this is “Mr Porter ran back and kissed Lauren.” Would a teacher do this in our world?